Who we are

Fotografía que muestra al fachada de Fundiciones Araba

At Fundiciones Araba, we have been manufacturing cast aluminium parts by means of green sand moulding, chemical sand and gravity dies for more than 30 years. The experience we have acquired over the years allows us to combine tradition and innovation, values that we pass on to our clients to satisfy their most demanding requirements.

Our experience in aluminium gravity die casting allows us to produce high quality parts with exceptional finishes. We obtain these features through a strict control of the production process, continuous checks of each and every one of the parts we make prior to delivery, as well as high flexibility both in the design process and in execution. Our aim: to offer our clients a broad range of products and cast aluminium parts of the highest quality.

Thanks to our modern installations and highly trained human resources, Fundiciones Araba has consolidated its position as a flexible production facility, capable of producing a broad range of cast aluminium parts that respond to the needs of a range of different sectors, however complex these may seem.

We operate both nationally and internationally in strict compliance with the agreed delivery dates. We offer our clients high levels of flexibility throughout the manufacturing process, from the initial concept and the design of prototypes to mould manufacture, melting and a range of different finishes in custom made aluminium parts ranging from 100 g to 1000 kg.

Fotografía que muestra el interior de Fundiciones Araba

We have a 4500 m² manufacturing facility with the necessary capacity to take on a wide range of different production processes (green sand moulding, chemical sand moulding and gravity die moulding) in accordance with our clients’ needs. Moreover, we have our own laboratory to carry out the necessary validation tests required in order to secure optimum features in each and every one of our parts.

Although the quality of our aluminium parts is a major concern of Fundiciones Araba, we also ensure that the entire production process satisfies current environmental standards. Our personnel submit all our production processes to a series of exhaustive controls in order to adapt these to the standards demanded in current legislation, for example, with regard to the recovery of foundry sands and the management of nonhazardous waste.

Diseño web, diseño gráfico TANDEM Creativas, Vitoria Gasteiz

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