Chemical sand moulding

Fotrografía proceso de fundido en arena química Fotrografía proceso de fundido en arena química Fotrografía proceso de fundido en arena química Fotrografía de pieza fundida en proceso de arena química Fotrografía de pieza fundida en proceso de arena química

This is a manual process used to produce aluminium parts of all sizes.
The term chemical sand moulding is used because the sand is hardened by incorporating a chemical binder mixture based on resins and a catalyst. Moulds manufactured with this kind of hardened chemical sand allow us to cast parts of greater size and complexity, making it the ideal process for production series that require a high level of precision and, therefore, higher added value. As a result, we can offer our clients a much broader range of services as this manufacturing process allows us to offer parts of many different sizes and shapes for a huge range of different applications.
Chemical sand moulding allows us to be extremely versatile

  • Large-size, high responsibility parts ranging in weight between 100 g and 1000 kg.
  • Moulding boxes with a maximum size of 2000 x 3000 mm for greater versatility in casting parts.
  • A line with two continuous and one manual mixing machines.
  • Sand recycling recovery machine (we recover 75% of the sand from the mould).
Diseño web, diseño gráfico TANDEM Creativas, Vitoria Gasteiz

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